Museum LogoThe White Cliffs of Dover
Nullum lapidem intentatum relinquere

Welcome to Stone Museum of Geology

"Who cares a throb of the heart for all the tons of chalk in Kent or all the lumps of
limestone in Yorkshire? But men love England, which is made up of such things."
Herbert George Wells

"In every out-thrust headland, in every curving beach, in every grain of sand
there is the story of the Earth."
Rachel Louise Carson

"O earth, what changes hast thou seen!"
Alfred, Lord Tennyson

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Revision 10.1399;     Last Update: 20th October 2024
Established 1996
A charitable trust registered in England since 1999 - No. 1075589
A member of the Association of Independent Museums - Museum No. 2082
Registered with the International Paleontological Association
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